All About Starting a Business in Portugal and Obtaining a D2 Visa


Do you have a business idea that you want to bring to life?

Would you like to start a business in Portugal, but don’t know where or how?

Or Maybe you are looking for a residency visa in Portugal so that you can set up shop in this beautiful country?

If so, then keep reading. In this blog post, we will discuss the process of starting a business in Portugal and obtaining a D2 residency visa. We will provide all the information you need to get started!

Portugal's Current Economic Scenario

Portugal has long been a tourist destination, and its beaches, mild climate, and historical landmarks have made it a popular choice for vacationers from all over the world. In recent years, however, Portugal has become increasingly attractive to business travelers as well.

The country’s membership in the European Union and its location on the Iberian Peninsula makes it an ideal base for companies looking to expand their operations into Spain or other countries in Europe. 

As a result, Portugal’s economy has benefited from an influx of new visitors, and the country is poised to continue its economic growth in the years to come.

There are several things you need to know before starting a business in Portugal, however. Here is a rundown of the basics:

  • Portugal has a favorable business climate. The country ranks high in terms of economic freedom and ease of doing business. This makes it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs.
  • Portugal is a member of the European Union. As such, businesses in Portugal enjoy access to the EU’s single market. This opens up many opportunities for companies doing business in the region.
  • Portugal offers many tax incentives for businesses. The country has several tax exemptions and deductions available to businesses, making it an attractive destination for investors.
  • Portugal has a well-educated workforce. The country has a highly-educated workforce, with over 90% of the population having completed secondary education. This makes Portugal an attractive destination for businesses looking to set up operations in Europe.
  • Portugal offers excellent infrastructure. The country has good infrastructure, including an extensive network of roads and railways. This makes it easy to do business in Portugal.
  • Portugal has a fast internet connection with an average download speed of 22.75 Megabits per second (Mbps) which is more than perfect for businesses. The country offers a wide range of services and support to help businesses get started, and the internet infrastructure is one of the best in Europe. This makes Portugal an attractive place to do business, and the fast internet connection ensures that you can keep your business running smoothly.

Portugal not only offers excellent opportunities for residence, but the business environment is also supportive of development.

portugal street

Today, It houses more than 2,000 registered startups and 50 plus investor companies which reflects its status as one with low costs structure in comparison to other European Union member states like France and Germany which both have over 10 times more StartupHub Portal users than Portugal does!

Business Opportunity Growth in Portugal

When it comes to starting a business in Portugal, the best cities are Lisbon and Porto.

A recent study done by The Portuguese Ministry Of Industry showed that there has been an increase of new companies coming into these two metropolises over other areas within Portugal during this time frame; therefore we can assume they provide some kind of opportunities for entrepreneurs who wish to begin their journey as well!

While Portugal is in the process of development, entrepreneurs can still explore many areas and consumers are interested in trying new experiences. This makes it all too easy for you as an entrepreneur!

The list of companies that took advantage and started a business in Portugal is endless. Here are only some examples, 

  • Unbabel – Combining state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and human translators, They can offer fast services for businesses.
  • Uniplaces – The Uniplaces platform has revolutionized the way people find and book accommodations. With its easy-to-use design, you can search through thousands of properties in your desired location with just one click!
  • Prodsmart – The Prodsmart app is an easy-to-use analytics and smart manager that streamlines any small production.
  • Beta-i – The Portuguese startup, Beta-i is a company that aims to help other startups succeed.
  • And many more..

Whether you are looking for an opportunity in entrepreneurship or seek to open a franchise, there is no better place than Portugal.

Potential Sector of Growth

Portugal’s booming economy is greatly due to its success in technology. However, there are other areas of growth that have been going on for some time now- among them commerce and the Service industry!

Commerce: Immigrants from Portugal have been coming to the country for many centuries now. Portugal’s excellent living conditions make it an attractive destination, with increases in both tourists and immigrants alike during this period due largely because of how well their economy has done since joining Europe Union membership back up again!

Trade has been on a steady increase for years now, and it’s not just because people are buying more clothes at local stores. Trade in food items like vegetables is up too! 

There are so many factors that contribute to this growth-from new bars opening their doors to promote trade partnerships between businesses owners who deal primarily with each other rather than tourists or locals living locally (which can sometimes happen), but also consuming manufactured products such as textiles which have seen huge leaps recently due largely from an expanding Brazilian economy.

Portugal economy

Services: With activities aimed at advising entrepreneurs growing more demanding, new companies have emerged to provide support in Portugal.

For example, one of the companies that emerged in Portugal to provide this service is Move in EU itself! The focus is on assisting people who want a new life abroad with all aspects, from paperwork to transportation service once they arrive at their final destination!

In addition to advisory services, other areas have followed this growth in power – namely personal care (manicure/pedicures & hair styling) and entertainment festivals like acquainted with cinema shows at cinemas

The people of Portugal seem very pleased with themselves right now because they’re taking full advantage of all that money being spent on them by international companies!

The Pandemic Affects: Covid-19

While COVID has had some negative impacts on Portugal’s business landscape, it also opened up opportunities.

Portugal is a country that has been through quite an incredible crisis with COVID-19. Although the threat of this virus remains, many businesses are now able to operate again because they know for sure when it’s safe and not just a guessing game like before.

It’s also helped create new opportunities in Portugal as more people turn their attention toward technology which will only help expand Portugal’s growing tech industry even further!

Business Friendly Policies & Regulations

The government is making it easier for entrepreneurs to start their businesses in Portugal.

The country offers a range of incentives and tax breaks, which makes starting your own company more attractive than ever before!

The Portuguese government uses numerous Visa and policies that promote business development for companies from other countries that want or need access to the shores as well! These initiatives include: 

D2 Visa/ Entrepreneur Visa

The D2 visa is an entrepreneur’s dream come true. It allows them to reside in Portugal as long as they carry out activities aimed at developing their business here, and after 5 successful years of residence with no gross violations or deportations you may even apply for Portuguese nationality!

Non-Habitual Resident (NHR) Program

The Portuguese government has a new program called the Non-Habitual Resident Regime that’s designed to encourage skilled professionals from around the world.

The law provides tax benefits for those who fall into certain categories and permits them, among other things, to develop their activities under special conditions in Portugal!

NHR Attracts talents from around the world to come to Portugal. With Portugal’s growing economy, The Government knows, it is beneficial for companies in the country to bring specialists from other nations.

These workers can contribute by helping with certain projects or tasks that are beyond what one person could do alone and will allow businesses of all sizes access to new ideas when they need them most!

Startup Visa

The Startup Visa is an exciting opportunity for Startups to take advantage of Portugal’s warm climate, beautiful scenery, and skilled labor force. 

While the D2 Visa is intended to attract business, this new Startup Visa has been created for Startup companies that are primarily focused on technological activities.

A Portuguese incubator will also need support to develop these startups and create jobs within Portugal’s economy!

Market & Export

When you establish a company in Portugal, it is important to expect a return on your investment. This will justify the partners’ time and resources put into making this happen for themselves as well so they can get what’s coming out at the end-the profit!

The more heated the consumer market is, the better it will be for businesses looking to sell their products. 

However, The purchase decision of the consumer is also influenced by several factors, among them: their purchasing power and price.

In addition to this, there are cultural aspects that can affect consumers in different degrees depending on where they live or what kind of culture it may be for example if someone lives near Washington DC then he might think differently than someone who lives deep inside nature-oriented countryside., another key variable would depend upon how essential that certain product/service seems like; along with any other external conditions such as weather patterns, etc.

The Portuguese have been continuing their consumption trends since 2017. As a result, there was less demand for goods in mid-2016 when the global crisis hit and caused people not to spend as much on luxury items or necessities like food due to them being worried about finances which caused this country’s economy to be hurt more than other countries.


Also, The crisis of Covid-19 in 2020 led to a decrease in Portuguese consumption.

With Portugal being part of the European Union, it can trade with other countries within this economic bloc without paying additional taxes or fees.

All trades between members are conducted smoothly because there is integration among them and they have removed any barriers that previously existed in favor of more exports to be shipped out from Portugal annually – which has been good so far! This could potentially open up opportunities if you’re an expat looking forward to returning home after your retirement years abroad…

How to Get a D2 Visa/ Entrepreneur Visa in Portugal?

Let’s discuss the D2 Visa now and how it can be a good option for your business. 

A citizen from another country wants to invest money or time into developing their enterprise here. They need more information before making any decisions – what does it take? How long do I have after applying?? What are some things that might delay my application (anything besides being denied)? We’ve got all those answers!

The requirements and process of getting this visa can be complex so we recommend talking through it with our licensed professionals who will guide you every step along the way!

D2 Visa Requirements

To apply for the D2 Visa, you will need to meet certain criteria and follow these instructions.

The general requirements are following,

Financial Stability

To apply for a Residence Permit in Portugal, you must provide evidence that your financial status will allow it. 

You can submit documents showing how much money is available to support yourself and any dependents during their stay here -up until three months after the date on which they obtain a resident status or Portuguese citizenship (whichever comes first).

The required amount varies depending upon who’s applying as well as where each person lives: 7 980 € if just one adult resides abroad; 3 990€ per child up until age 18 but not 21 years old.

To apply for the D2 Visa, you must have a bank account in Portugal before applying for the visa with the required amount deposited.

financial stability

Company Registration in Portugal

The entrepreneur must prove that they have opened a company in Portugal. You can do this by providing documentation such as Tax Number (NIF), proof of address, and identity; if you’re applying for the D2 Visa then your lawyer will also need to obtain these documents on behalf of their client before opening hours start!

To open a company, one must first provide the following information:

What Your Business is About?

You need to build a solid business plan to get accepted into the D2 program.

Few factors that potential entrepreneurs should know while making the business plan are,

but there are more than just those factors at work when choosing where best put down roots or launch new ventures.

Business plan

Entrepreneurs who wish to obtain a visa for Portugal will have their plans analyzed and then may apply. 

The higher the level of knowledge, experience, or skill concerning entrepreneurship; it’s the better chance at success.

There are other factors such as structure/organization which can make up one solid argument against losing competition within your field due solely on paper alone but also because you’ve done some research into what type of company would thrive here too!

Residence in Portugal

It is important to have a place of residence in Portugal before starting any business. 

You will need proof that you can reside there and be considered an intended resident, such as documents from the real estate agency showing where your new apartment or home will be located once it’s ready for occupancy

You will need to bring a few documents with you when applying for your visa. 

You can find the most common ones below, but please note that depending on where in Europe or Latin America you live there may be other requirements as well!

International Medical Insurance

When traveling to another country you must have international medical insurance coverage. This type of policy must be valid throughout the entire territory and cover everything from emergency room care up until return home, including expenses resulting from repatriation for serious health issues or urgent hospitalizations. 

Challenges to Face

The D2 Visa is not an easy visa to obtain.

Portugal needs proof that your business will be successful and they’ll check if it has enough potential before permitting you, so make sure everything’s up-to-speed!

You also have financial conditions because without them there can’t grow anything or operate any kind of company whatsoever; don’t forget this key point when applying for whatever type(s)of immigration status available through Portugal.

The very first challenge to starting a business in Portugal is understanding Portuguese consumer habits.

To do this, you need accurate information on what they are buying and how much it costs for them which can be difficult because sometimes there isn’t any transparency when companies operate here but luckily we have developed some techniques that help us gather all these details easily! 

The next thing I would recommend looking at before deciding where your company should reside or establish themselves as a part of their economy (and not just a tourist attraction). 

This would also involve researching local legislation such as taxes relating to expenses like labor rates amongst others things related with running businesses locally vs abroad.

Starting a business in Portugal is no easy feat and we know that you’re going through so much more than just emotionally challenging enough.

Then again, if there’s anything our team can do for your company then let us hear from you!


The franchise model is a great way to start your business because it already has tested and approved practices that can be immediately implemented. Plus you’ll have all the supplies necessary as well as employees who are happy with their jobs at this point!

It has many advantages, like marketing activities conducted by your business that is developed in collaboration with other companies or organizations you’re working alongside; existing consumers who already know and trust this brand due to their past experiences- all these factors make it extremely likely for success!

With just one plan, you can save yourself from spending hours or even days trying to figure out how things work in your industry before taking any action!

The counterpoint to the idea that all businesses are created equal is found in franchise agreements. 

These documents outline your obligations, among them being supervision by you and lack of freedom when it comes to promotion strategy for yourself or others’ work on behalf of business operations- but there’s more! You’ll have to pay royalties too.

Comparison of D2/Entrepreneur Visa with Golden Visa


D2 Visa is for people who want to start a new business or open an existing franchise in Portugal. On the other hand, Golden Visa is a program that investors can use to invest in companies already operating within Portugal.


In a D2 Visa, You have to create a business plan and nurture it by the policies written under this visa guideline, whereas in a Golden Visa You have to make a minimum investment of at least 350,000€ in a company operation that already exists in Portugal.


For whom?

D2 Visa for that business enthusiast who wants to try out new challenges as well as be financially capable to execute them in a foreign land. Golden Visa is for people who are financially capable of investing a big amount with no interest in participating in company operations.

Taxation of Business

In Portugal, the main tax on business income is Corporate Income Tax (IRC). 

The taxable amount of an organization is determined by taking into account all sources and types of revenue coming from a Portuguese enterprise.

The rate of tax imposed on company profits varies across countries. In most cases, companies will be taxed at 21% under the International Business Tax Charges scheme and any municipal surcharge must also account for 1.5%.

The company tax is a complex matter that requires the expertise of an accounting professional.


So, if you’re feeling motivated to start a business in Portugal, know that there are many things to consider before taking the plunge. 

You can also read about “Portugal’s Residence Visa types and how to apply” to find out more facts.

Our team can help you out with getting your D2 Visa and starting up your franchise, but it’s important that you do your research as well so that you understand all the ins and outs of Portuguese business law. Good luck!

Don’t forget to Join us on Facebook if you have any questions or want access to updated information about this beautiful country!

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